Freedom From Food Intolerances Online Program

$99.00 – Buy Now, Start Anytime & Have Access For Life!
Do you think you might be intolerant or sensitive to certain foods but aren’t sure what is to blame? Then this naturopathically designed and customised food intolerance program is for you!
Digestive symptoms, skin problems, fatigue, mood changes, weight issues, aches and pains can all be signs of food intolerances or sensitivities.
How Do I Know If I Have A Food Intolerance?
Food intolerance symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. Symptoms may involve only one body system, or a variety of symptoms affecting different body systems. Some common symptoms associated with food intolerances include:
- Head– itchy throat, itchy / watery eyes, blocked ear, mouth ulcers, headaches, dark circles under the eyes
- Skin– itchy skin, rashes, hives, eczema, flushing
- Gastrointestinal System– irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, bloating, nausea, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, varying bowel motions, reflux, abdominal pain and/ or discomfort
- Nervous System– headaches, foggy head, energy slumps, poor concentration, mood changes, restlessness
- Respiratory System– asthma, sinus congestion, sneezing, coughing, wheezing
- Metabolic / Endocrine / Hormonal – obesity, diabetes, inability to loose weight, weight loss, thyroid illness and diseases, irregular menstruation, infertility
But what if you don’t know what foods are causing you the issues?
This is what this program has been designed for!
This program looks specifically at diet and how certain foods can be problematic or exacerbate reactivity in the body – this online program will teach you everything you need to know about uncovering your food sensitivities and intolerances and ultimately reducing your reactivity symptoms.
Through extensive research and clinical practice, Chae knows that the key to reducing reactivity symptoms and the cascade of inflammation caused by food intolerances (or its underlying factors) is through diet – in particular a customised diet plan that eliminates and reintroduces foods.
This program offers an individualised approach to diet and has been used successfully with hundreds of Chae’s patients in clinical practice and she is now offering it online to be able to help even more people just like you to start feeling better again !
What is The Freedom From Food Intolerance Diet?
It is a short term eating plan that eliminates certain foods that may be causing your symptoms.
The customised diets that you will learn throughout our online program will be focusing on a wholefood approach to health and healing. The program is tailored to your own signs and symptoms with 3 foundation diets to choose from along with additional diet add on’s to address histamine intolerances and salicylate sensitivities. The program has been designed by Naturopath Chae Calder and supported by her extensive research, education and clinical experience with digestive problems and food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities.

With 4 lessons, and over 30 topics, this program will take you through a step by step process to help you identify which foods are compatible and incompatible with your body. Throughout the program you will be eating easily digestible, non-allergenic wholefoods to help you decrease inflammation and ultimately common chronic health problems associated with food intolerances and sensitivities.
Our Online Program Helps:
- Identify food intolerances and sensitivities through a step-by-step individualised diet
- Track, identify and interpret your signs and symptoms
- Reduce inflammation
- Reduce your reactivity to foods
- Improve your tolerance to reactive foods
- Reduce an extensive number of symptoms – most people report a disappearance in digestive issues, eczema, congestion, brain frog as well as sleeping better and more energy.
- Become more intuitive about your mind, body and your food and how it makes you feel
- Create your very own compatible food list plan to allow for long-term health and healing
- And so much more…
What is included?
- Full Audio or Text Option for different learning styles
- 4 x Lessons broken down into over 30+ topics.
- 4 x Reflection Journals with Guided Questions
- 4 x Lesson Note Taking Journals
- 4 x Checklist – also known as your “to do” list at the end of each lesson to keep you on track and action everything you learn throughout each lesson
- 3 x foundation & customisable diets too choose from + additional diet food lists to address salicylates & histamine reactions
- Over 20+ downloadable resources to support you throughout the program including
- Meal planning templates
- Helpful hints
- Healthy Mood Practices
- Healthy Sleep Practices
- Healthy food swaps and ideas
- Food / shopping lists
- Food journals
- Condition specific information i.e. information on Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Dysbiosis and Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth
- Exclusive life-time access to our members-only community forum connecting you to others on the program to help support and guide you not only throughout the program but for long-term health.
- Exclusive Program Member Discounts
Unlike food allergies that cause an immune reaction, food intolerances and sensitivities don’t involve the immune system and can be hard to detect through testing. Elimination diets are considered to be the gold standard in helping to identify the culprits that may be contributing to your symptoms.
How long does it take for symptoms to reduce?
Generally speaking, most people see symptom relief between 7-21 days.
How long does the program take to complete?
Each person is different. Although there are 4 lessons in our online program, it is tailored to suit your own healing journey. To complete all lessons it can take anywhere between 4-12 weeks depending on the severity of your symptoms, how well you stick to the program and how fast your symptoms take to reduce.
How Does The Program Work?
You can purchase this program at any day of the week and move through the weekly online programs at your own pace.
I’ve had IgE / IgA intolerance tests before, why do I need to use this diet? Intolerance tests, such as skin prick tests and blood tests can be unreliable in around 50% of cases. Both positive and negative intolerance test results can be false. Food intolerances and sensitivities can only be accurately identified by careful dietary elimination and re-challenge.
Will I become deficient in certain nutrients?
Nutrient deficiency on the program is unlikely if you make healthy dietary choices. Continue to eat from all the allowable food groups, including grains, vegetables, fruits, meats, fats and oils. Remember it is only a short-term eating plan to uncover your intolerances. When symptoms have settled, you begin to reintroduce foods back in through the carefully structured reintroduction phase to help identify the culprits.
Do I have to avoid foods that I am intolerant to forever?
No, the goal is to improve your tolerance (or threshold) to these foods by removing reactive foods and allowing your inflammation to reduce and your body time to heal. By removing these foods initially, it will allow time for your digestive system to rest & repair. By repairing the digestive system and reducing inflammation, you can improve your tolerance to these foods. The more your body heals, the more tolerant you will be, enabling you to eat a wide variety of foods.